
About subject of English

The subject about is English We have many subjects but I like English. In CIS we speak in English. English was very important because we go anywhere we know English .In school we use English 95% . And 5% we use  Hindi in Hindi class.We got a novel to read for a week .to develop our English skills. We do activities to learn unit. How we start chapter We write a topic name What is a poetry ? Then we have to w rite a statement of Inquiry Poetry is a uniquely  creative  from a  personal and culture experience  that lives much rules for an  audience  to interpret meaning. Then we have to write a Key Concept  Creativity   Then we have to write a  Related    Concept Audience;Conversation;Stylistic Choice Then we have to write a Global context  personal and culture experience In CIS restart a unit first we write all these S•O•I , K•C ,R•C,G•C. Statement of enquiry it is a types A short paragraph in this we...

About CIS

My name is Anisha from MYP1. Today I want to tell you about caledonian international school. In CIS we have many subjects like English,science,maths,etc. We learn physically and technically to understand the topic . We learn through   experiments collaboration individually. We have specific topic for each and every subjects.  CIS is not there Mug up learning. We do experiment learning, technical learning, physical learning, collaboration learning.  Caledonian is the only  School in Pathankot to offers IB Primary Years program(IB PYP). Caledonian International School, Pathankot is candidate school for the IB Primary Years Programe. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB world school.  These are schools that share a common philosophy-a commitment to high quality, challenging, International education that caledonian International School Pathankot believes is important for students. We have comfortable classrooms to study. The breakfast and lunch p...