About subject of English

The subject about is English We have many subjects but I like English. In CIS we speak in English. English was very important because we go anywhere we know English .In school we use English 95% . And 5% we use Hindi in Hindi class.We got a novel to read for a week .to develop our English skills. We do activities to learn unit. How we start chapter We write a topic name What is a poetry ? Then we have to w rite a statement of Inquiry Poetry is a uniquely creative from a personal and culture experience that lives much rules for an audience to interpret meaning. Then we have to write a Key Concept Creativity Then we have to write a Related Concept Audience;Conversation;Stylistic Choice Then we have to write a Global context personal and culture experience In CIS restart a unit first we write all these S•O•I , K•C ,R•C,G•C. Statement of enquiry it is a types A short paragraph in this we...